92 research outputs found

    How to encourage intrinsic motivation in the clinical teaching environment?: a systematic review from the self-determination theory

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    Purpose: Internalization of students’ motivation towards an intrinsic form is associated with increased interest, commitment, learning, and satisfaction with education. Self-Determination theory postulates that intrinsic motivation and autonomous forms of self-regulation are the desired type of motivation; as they have been associated with deep learning, better performance and well-being. It claims three basic psychological needs have to be satisfied in order to achieve intrinsic motivation. These are the needs for autonomy, competence and relatedness. This study aims to provide a review on how these basic psychological needs are encouraged in undergraduate students so they can be transferred to the clinical teaching environment. Methods: Electronic searches were performed across four databases (Medline, Embase, PsycINFO, and ERIC), relevant journals, and retrieved bibliography of selected articles. In total, searches produced 4,869 references, from which 16 studies met the inclusion criteria. Results: Main themes were coded in three categories: The support of autonomy, competence and relatedness. The research-based evidence appears to be of reasonable quality, and indicates that teachers should work to satisfy students’ basic psychological needs to foster internalization of self-regulation. Our findings suggest that teachers should interact with students in a more ‘human centred’ teaching style, as these actions predict motivational internalization. Several themes emerged from different contexts and further investigation should expand them. Conclusion: This review identified actions that clinical teachers could implement in their daily work to support students’ self-determination. Autonomy supportive teaching in health professions educations would benefit students and may actually result in more effective health care delivery

    Is undergraduate programme accreditation influenced by educational public policy quality indicators? An exploratory study of the Chilean Higher Education quality assurance system

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    In Chile, as well as in most of Latin America, public policies for higher education have recently adopted a focus on quality assurance and accreditation systems. Uncertainty, however, still exists in terms of the quality assurance consistency in the current Chilean accreditation system, especially in terms of the relation between public policy quality indicators for higher education and their relation to accreditation outcomes. Therefore, the aim of this study was to make a first explorative attempt to investigate the relationships between these indicators and the results of undergraduate programme accreditation. We hypothesised that the public policy quality indicators of first-year drop-out rate, employment at graduation and ratio of actual to expected time to graduation would be strongly correlated to undergraduate programme accreditation as well as largely explaining its accreditation-year variance. By means of correlation and multiple regression analyses, we found small-sized associations, being first-year drop-out the only significant predictor of programme accreditation, explaining a 9.4% of its variance. These results raise questions regarding the consistency between the aims of public policy for higher education and the current accreditation system. This study should be of value to policy makers, managers and curriculum developers in terms of this initial analysis of the consistency between quality indicators and the accreditation system. Further research is necessary to make a systematic and in-depth assessment of the impact of quality assurance mechanisms to provide better rationale for making important decisions such as when defining the characteristics of the accrediting institutions as well as for establishing effective ways to achieve the proposed public policy objectives

    La enseñanza de la geografía en el ámbito educativo formal, no formal e informal. Reflexiones epistemológicas.

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    Este texto es el resultado de una reflexión epistemológica sobre las funciones, fines y objetivos de la enseñanza de la geografía. A partir de una investigación bibliográfica partimos de la hipótesis de que el docente debe de reflexionar sobre la materia que imparte en las aulas, o fuera de ellas. No debe de dejarse guiar únicamente por el dictamen curricular ni por los materiales curriculares, como el libro de texto. No solo es necesario dominar la materia, los contenidos, el currículo, los métodos y estrategias didácticas, los fundamentos pedagógicos y psicológicos de la educación, sino que es fundamental cuestionarse la importancia educativa, en la actualidad, de la geografía. ¿Qué geografía enseñar, por qué y para qué enseñar geografía? Así como ¿dónde enseñar geografía? Como resultado del trabajo proponemos una reflexión sobre el papel de la geografía en la educación no solo formal, sino también no formal e informal.This text is the result of an epistemological reflection on the functions, aims and objectives of the teaching of geography. From a literature search we assume that the teacher should reflect on the matter taught in the classroom or outside. It should not be guided only by opinion or by curricular materials, such as the textbook. Not only is it necessary to master the subject, content, curriculum, teaching methods and strategies, pedagogical and psychological foundations of education, but is central to the educational question, now, of geography. What geography teaching, why and what to teach geography? And where teaching geography? As a result of the work we propose a reflection on the role of geography in education not only formal but also non-formal and informal

    La enseñanza de la geografía en el ámbito educativo formal, no formal e informal. Reflexiones epistemológicas.

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    Este texto es el resultado de una reflexión epistemológica sobre las funciones, fines y objetivos de la enseñanza de la geografía. A partir de una investigación bibliográfica partimos de la hipótesis de que el docente debe de reflexionar sobre la materia que imparte en las aulas, o fuera de ellas. No debe de dejarse guiar únicamente por el dictamen curricular ni por los materiales curriculares, como el libro de texto. No solo es necesario dominar la materia, los contenidos, el currículo, los métodos y estrategias didácticas, los fundamentos pedagógicos y psicológicos de la educación, sino que es fundamental cuestionarse la importancia educativa, en la actualidad, de la geografía. ¿Qué geografía enseñar, por qué y para qué enseñar geografía? Así como ¿dónde enseñar geografía? Como resultado del trabajo proponemos una reflexión sobre el papel de la geografía en la educación no solo formal, sino también no formal e informal.This text is the result of an epistemological reflection on the functions, aims and objectives of the teaching of geography. From a literature search we assume that the teacher should reflect on the matter taught in the classroom or outside. It should not be guided only by opinion or by curricular materials, such as the textbook. Not only is it necessary to master the subject, content, curriculum, teaching methods and strategies, pedagogical and psychological foundations of education, but is central to the educational question, now, of geography. What geography teaching, why and what to teach geography? And where teaching geography? As a result of the work we propose a reflection on the role of geography in education not only formal but also non-formal and informal

    Los hábitats artificiales marinos favorecen a largo plazo a una única especie: la dominancia de Boops boops en las jaulas de acuicultura en mar abierto

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    Off-shore fish cages are new artificial habitats that can affect pelagic fish assemblages and constitute an important food source for wild fish assemblages. This aggregation has noticeable ecological consequences in cage areas in impoverished ecosystems such as those in the Canary archipelago (NE Atlantic Ocean). However, this new habitat could be dominated by a single species, reducing its positive ecological effects. Wild fish assemblages associated with an off-shore fish lease on the northeastern coast of Tenerife (Canary Islands) were sampled for six years. Fish assemblage structure beneath fish cages and at controls ( > 500 m from cages) differed significantly between locations, with 13 times greater abundance at cage locations. These differences were mainly explained by the dominance of bogue (Boops boops) around fish cages. This trend was consistent in the long-term throughout the study period (2004-2009), affecting local fisheries. The presence of fish cages significantly altered wild fish assemblages in the study area, enhancing mainly biomass and abundance of one species, bogue, and causing shifts in species composition.Las jaulas de acuicultura en mar abierto constituyen un hábitat artificial nuevo que puede afectar a las poblaciones de peces pelágicos porque constituyen una fuente importante de alimentación para las comunidades de peces salvajes. Esta congregación tiene consecuencias ecológicas notables en áreas caracterizadas por ecosistemas empobrecidos como ocurre en el archipiélago canario (Atlántico Noreste). Sin embargo, este nuevo hábitat puede encontrarse dominado por una única especie, limitando sus efectos ecológicos positivos. Las comunidades salvajes de peces asociadas a jaulas en mar abierto localizadas en la costa noreste de la isla de Tenerife (Islas Canarias) fueron muestreadas a lo largo de 6 años. La estructura de la comunidad íctica varió significativamente entre las localidades de las jaulas y los controles ( > 500 m de distancia de las jaulas), con abundancias que fueron 13 veces superiores en las jaulas. Estas diferencias fueron debidas principalmente a la dominancia de la boga (Boops boops) alrededor de las jaulas de acuicultura. Esta tendencia fue consistente a lo largo del período de estudio (2004-2009), afectando a las capturas de los pescadores locales. La presencia de las jaulas de acuicultura afectó de forma significativa las poblaciones de peces en el área de estudio, con un incremento de la biomasa y abundancia de una especie, la boga, que determinó cambios en la composición de las especies

    Solución de dos estudios de caso bajo el uso de tecnología CISCO

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    Las redes de ordenadores actuales son una amalgama de dispositivos, técnicas y sistemas de comunicación que en su estudio promueven la investigación y el desarrollo tecnológico. Bajo esta premisa, para la transferencia de información de voz y datos está ligada a los sistemas de información que atienden peticiones recurrentes de los usuarios finales. Sin lugar a duda, las redes de computadores han sido uno de los grandes acontecimientos dentro del ámbito de las telecomunicaciones. Su crecimiento exponencial representa su gran éxito. Además, como resultado de su desarrollo, coadyuva al surgimiento de nuevas formas de comunicación. Por ejemplo, gracias a las redes de computadoras se creó la gran y bien conocida internet, de tal manera que ahora pueden realizarse operaciones (hoy en día comunes) como los envíos de correos electrónicos, acceso a sistemas de información, videoconferencias, VoIP, interoperabilidad, compartir recursos, conversaciones y transacciones en línea, tareas que optimizan el trabajo del ser humano.Today's computer networks are an amalgam of communication devices, techniques and systems that, in their study, promote research and technological development. Under this premise, for the transfer of voice and data information it is linked to the information systems that attend to recurring requests from end users. Without a doubt, computer networks have been one of the great events in the field of telecommunications. Its exponential growth represents its great success. In addition, as a result of its development, it contributes to the emergence of new forms of communication. For example, thanks to computer networks, the great and well-known Internet was created, in such a way that now common operations such as sending e-mails, access to information systems, videoconferencing, VoIP, interoperability can be carried out. , share resources, conversations and online transactions, tasks that optimize human work

    Induction Heating Consolidation of TiO2 Sol-Gel Coating on Stainless Steel Support for Photocatalysis Applications

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    A high-frequency induction heater was used to sinter titanium dioxide thin film on stainless steel plates with the aim of being used as photo-electrodes in wastewaters treatment. To validate the use of this sintering technique, the electrodes were prepared using sol-gel and dip-coating, followed by two different annealing processes for comparison: a conventional furnace and a high-frequency induction heating. To characterize the electrodes, X-ray diffraction (XRD), scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and electrochemical and photocatalysis tests were performed. Anatase and rutile phases were obtained for both annealing techniques. A more regular surface morphology was achieved via the induction heating (IH) treatment at 300 ºC. The impedance study showed a lower resistance of IH samples, representing an improvement in the charge carrier separation and its fast transfer to the surface of the electrode. The photo-oxidation of methylene blue exhibited a higher degradation compared with the conventional furnace samples prepared in this study

    El enfoque investigativo y el desarrollo del autoaprendizaje en el proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje de la física en la educación preuniversitaria (Revisión)

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    To provide skills in students of the senior high school to look for, process and assimilate the information, that´s why, the teacher should transform the teaching-learning process in the subject. The objective of this work is to support the importance of the development of self- learning in the students as a result of the investigative approach. In the work appear theoretical elements to support the relation between the self-learning and thi investigation in the teaching-learning process.Garantizar que los estudiantes de la Educación Preuniversitaria posean habilidades para la búsqueda, procesamiento y asimilación de la información es imprescindible, lo que implica que el profesor realice transformaciones sustanciales en la concepción del proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje de su asignatura. Este trabajo tiene como objetivo fundamentar la importancia del desarrollo del autoaprendizaje en los estudiantes como resultado del enfoque investigativo. En el mismo se exponen elementos teóricos que fundamentan las relaciones que existen entre el enfoque investigativo y el desarrollo del autoaprendizaje en el proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje.&nbsp

    An alternative for reducing the layers in the construction of three-phase planar transformers

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    A modified winding layout for three-phase transformers with PCB windings is proposed in this paper. This modified layout can be used in high current transformers with many PCB layers to simplify the fabrication process. One of the key factors that might increase the cost and complexity in the construction of planar transformers is the number of layers of each PCB winding. This issue becomes even more important in medium-high power three-phase transformers, where the number of PCB layers is higher. In addition to that, the proposed method allows the use of commercial core shapes that are commonly used to design single-phase transformers. This fact makes possible the reduction of cost and flexibility of the design solutions. The proposed solution has been validated and compared using the conventional and the proposed methodologies to design a high power (20 kW) transformer

    Population structure and spatial distribution of the gastropod molluscs Osilinus atrata and Osilinus sauciatus in the rocky intertidal zone of the Canary Islands (Central East Atlantic)

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    Por medio de un diseño de muestreo jerárquico se estudió la estructura poblacional y los patrones espaciales de variabilidad horizontal (diferencias entre las islas, las localidades dentro de las islas y los sitios dentro de localidades) y vertical (diferencias entre bandas de la zona intermareal) de los moluscos gasterópodos Osilinus atrata y O. sauciatus a lo largo del intermareal rocoso de las Islas Canarias. Se observaron diferencias en los patrones espaciales de distribución, abundancia y tamaño para ambas especies. Osilinus atrata fue más abundante que O. sauciatus en todo el Archipiélago Canario. Su abundancia varió entre las islas, presentando una distribución heterogénea entre las bandas intermareales de una isla a otra, si bien fue más frecuente en las bandas intermedia y superior. Osilinus sauciatus sólo se encontró en las islas orientales y no exhibió diferencias significativas entre las bandas, a pesar de que 91.35% de los individuos aparecieron en la banda superior y el resto en la banda intermedia. Osilinus sauciatus mostró una talla mayor que las de O. atrata. A su vez, ambas especies presentaron en general las mayores tallas medias en la banda superior.A hierarchical sampling design was used to study the population structure and the horizontal (differences among islands, locations within islands and sites within locations) and vertical (differences among intertidal bands) distribution patterns of the gastropod molluscs Osilinus atrata and O. sauciatus along the rocky intertidal zone of the Canary Islands. Differences in the spatial patterns of abundance, size and distribution were recorded for both species. Osilinus atrata was more abundant than O. sauciatus throughout the archipelago. Its abundance varied among islands and it presented a heterogeneous distribution in the bands from one island to another, though it was more frequent in the middle and high bands. Osilinus sauciatus was only found at the eastern islands and did not exhibit significant differences between the bands, even though 91.35% of the individuals appeared in the high band and the rest in the middle band. On the other hand, O. sauciatus had a larger mean size than O. atrata, but both species presented the largest mean sizes in the high band.Este estudio se realizó dentro del proyecto “Canarias, por una Costa Viva” del Ministerio de Medio Ambiente (Secretaría General de Costas) y la Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria (http://www.canariasporunacostaviva.org)